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Helping therapists describe and report what patients say

1st Making Cases Count

Awards announced

Every week an estimated million patients worldwide consult complementary and alternative therapists for help with their health.

  • Why?

  • Who are they?  

  • What symptoms do they seek help with?

  • Do they improve, worsen or just stay the same? 

We all want to know the answers! 

The Making Cases Count initiative is run by a team of researchers led by Dr Philippa Fibert, Bev Nickolls and Dr Clare Relton

We support and encourage all health practitioners and providers to collect routine information from their patients in everyday practice. This website describes some of the tools health practitioners need to collect information: outcome measures such as MYMOP.

Homeopaths Caroline Jurdon and Lindsay Allison took 1st and 2nd prize with their reporting of what their patients said. Click here for more information.

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